Episode 280
In this episode, I talk about my completed KnitLoops socks, a shawl in progress, working on woodturning, and give a recommendation for a BBQ sauce made with rhubarb. Of course there are new socks already on the needles and I share a poem by Jameson Fitzpatrick titled “A Poem for Pulse.”

Ever-expanding Skill Set
Rhubarb BBQ sauce recipe from Leda Meredith
Off the Shelf
“A Poem for Pulse” by Jameson Fitzpatrick
Thank you, Pam, for the website feedback. Listening more than once is a really big compliment. Thank you.
The socks are flying, but I discovered that the 1×1 rib all around the arch is not what I thought it would be. So I’ve ripped back and now I’m just putting about 2.5″ (I’m a size 9) of 1×1 on the bottom of the foot at the arch only. Working with the lathe is the BEST. I’ve made some really cool gifts, made one horrrrrrible mistake that taught me a lot, and my colleague Mary promises that we can get back in the shop before Xmas!
Yes, it is the Hide & Hammer bag and I’m in love with it!
Is the bag from Hide & Hammer, perhaps?
Enjoy your knitting time at work! I’ll bet you’ll fly through the socks. I loved seeing your lathe reel on IG. I did not know that was what burnishing was. I enjoy doing some wood work occasionally, and some day I’d love to have a small lathe. My dad had one when I was growing up…it was a large metal lathe, but he was able to use it for wood as well and let me experiment with it. Fond memories, those!
Sara, I like your new website ! It’s easier for me to navigate and view your projects. And, I’m getting so much out of your interview and conversations with Dr. Lily. I’m enjoying the in-depth study of EZ’s life and knitting practice, and I’ve listened to all of the episodes more than once. Thanks to you both for this series.