Author: Sara

Episode 279

This episode is focused on institutional responses to Elizabeth Zimmermann’s impact on knitters, knitting, and the industry. Dr. Lilly Marsh discusses evidence of the durability of EZ’s influence.

Episode 278

In this episode, I talk about my completed Derecho sweater, and share the details of several new projects, including Knitloops socks in self-striping yarn from Knit Spin Farm, the Craghill shawl in Distelfink Fiber Farm Raised Fingering, and my entry into the #lostwordsmal. I’ve completed all of the preliminary steps for another garment in negative reverse appliqué, this time with a beautiful fern motif.

Episode 277

So far we’ve been talking about what Elizabeth was doing . . . what avenues she was pursuing and how she was developing the channels she had for communicating to her readers, listeners, and viewers. In this episode, we look at the other side of that conversation — the response of those knitters who were reading, watching and knitting along with Elizabeth. It’s the fan mail episode, full of delightful examples from Dr. Lilly’s several weeks spent combing through the archives of Schoolhouse Press.

Episode 276

Amy Jumpsuit by Closet Core patterns (hack to dress), Glynn sweater, “ted talk” by Jenny Zhang, link to Distelfink hat pattern on Meghan’s website, about Mulberry Hill Farm, link to Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival vendors, link to the Night Sky punchneedle kit and many other craft & knitting kits…

Episode 275

This episode centers on discussion of Elizabeth Zimmermann’s newsletters — how they evolved over time from a sales list to the biennial publication Wool Gathering; how they became a means for EZ to share knitting designs and variations in template form; and most importantly,  how the newsletters helped to make a growing knitting …

Episode 274

A stripe-y cowl for spring in Birch Hollow Fibers’ yarn, McCall’s M7969, seriously awesome sock yarn from KnitSpinFarm, and “Windchime” by Tony Hoagland.

Episode 273

This episode is focused primarily on Zimmermann’s early work with industry and how she managed a parallel track between developing her own mail order yarn and design publication business with her increasingly critical work within industry spaces and practices.  Dr. Lilly Marsh shares some gems from her research, including excerpts from local newspaper articles, and snippets from “the lost document” that reveal her deepest desires for fostering a knitting community.

Episode 272

In this episode, I catch you up on my recent projects.  There’s lots of sewing, including this darling clothespin bag, a dress with voluminous sleeves, and more mending for Mom.  I’ve begun knitting a cowl in spring colors with yarn from Robin of Birch Hollow Fibers, and I have some poems that are perfect for spring, plus a new-to-me recipe that I encourage you to try!

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