Author: Sara

Episode 287

It’s the Rhinebeck Review episode, in which I tell you all about my weekend at the New York Sheep & Wool Festival. There’s also a prize, so listen to find out how to enter and post a comment on IG or to my website. Plus, what’s on my needles and a poem by Gabrielle Calvocoressi, winner of the Audre Lorde Prize for Lesbian Poetry. For complete show notes:

Episode 286

Fall is here! Sweater knitting is picking up and the NY Sheep & Wool Festival is just around the corner. In this episode, I’ll catch you up on the saga of my RB sweater and share chats with MJ Packer of Battenkill Fiber Mill and Carole Foster of Foster Sheep Farm. They are brimming with suggestions for your festival shopping.

Episode 283

It’s been a month (almost), and I have lots of making news, including another Amy jumpsuit hack, an upcycled Anthopologie belt, Tour de Fleece yardage, summer recipes I’ve been loving, and a poem by Teri Ellen Cross Davis.

Episode 282

This episode begins with a list of recent and upcoming fiber events that you can attend in-person and virtually! Then, I continue with updates on my projects and my complete list of summer reading.

Episode 281

In Part 8 of our eight-part series, we discuss the situations that arise as knitters seek clarity about what constitutes an original design and how

Episode 280

In this episode, I talk about my completed KnitLoops socks, a shawl in progress, working on woodturning, and give a recommendation for a BBQ sauce made with rhubarb. Of course there are new socks already on the needles and I share a poem by Jameson Fitzpatrick titled “A Poem for Pulse.”

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