This week’s episode includes finished socks, more knitting on an old project, gift knitting, braising and baking, and some chatter about instant gratification and the
It’s all about my visit to the New York Sheep & Wool Festival in this episode.
Process vs. product knitting is a focus of this episode, as I have completed a year-long project just in time for the upcoming New York
Two days: two dresses. I talk about using the skills I’ve acquired over three years of working on my handmade wardrobe and how I employed
New Pattern: Concordia My most recent pattern design is knit with Concordea yarn, created by Carole of Foster Sheep Farm and spun at Battenkill
One of my little notions pouches features this cute pig and the the mantra “Change is Good” — a nice sentiment for the start of
One complete knitted dress and another on the needles, it has been a busy week of knitting. I also talk about embroidery, the drudgery of
It’s been a beautiful week here on the porch of Yin Hoo. In this episode, I talk about making progress on knitting, fleece processing, and