Episode 80: Wool Party
This episode includes the following segments: The Back Porch, The Front Porch, Chin Waggin’ (with String Theorists Selene and Courtney), and Off the Shelf. Thank you to everyone who has been in touch with me since the last episode. It is wonderful to receive your messages, packages, comments on the Ravelry board, Instagram likes, and other communication. There is so much to look forward to this summer. I’m eager to have more hours available for adventures in making things, and I look forward to keeping YAYH listeners updated on my progress.
The Back Porch

The Front Porch
Stash Dash Progress
Tour de Fleece Progress
plan your project for the Asymmetri-CAL (August 1 – September 30)
Chin Waggin’

Knitting a Community Together article & video
Handwork program at Philip’s Academy Charter School video
Off the Shelf
Our second read-along is based on the non-fiction work Color: a Natural History of the Palette by Victoria Finlay. Of the four titles I suggested, Color received 42% of listener votes. We will begin on June 24 and conclude on September 1. I will provide a reading schedule for the chapters and include a bit of discussion about the book during podcast episodes this summer. Post comments, questions, and ideas for discussion by responding in the comment box below or by participating in the read-along discussion on Ravelry. I plan to record my thoughts about color using #yayhcolor on Instagram.