Episode 339

This upcycled scarf from the LITTLE SANTA show at Orange has been resist-dyed and embellished with shisha embroidery. The price is $125. All money raised from sales of my work will go directly the Delaware Water Gap Fire Department. I am able to ship within the US. Contact me if you would like to arrange a purchase.

The Seoul Blouse has attracted my interest since I first saw it on IG this fall. I’m knitting with Concordea yarn from Foster Sheep Farm in two natural colors, and adding a mohair / silk from Lichen and Lace for the colorwork motif. To work the colorwork for upper front and back, which are knit flat, I found Patty Lyons’ overview of purling back backwards very helpful.

For the ideal travel project, I’ve cast on Clincher, a pattern by Ash Kearns. This is the third one I’ve knit. For this one, I selected a beautiful farm yarn from Distelfink Fiber, dyed in tonal greens. The texture of this penannt-shaped shawl is delightfully squishy.

Recipes from Six Seasons continue to hold my interest and are quickly becoming household favorites. Above: Crostada with Leeks and Swiss Chard (the walnut crust is divine) Below: Kale and Mushroom Lasagna