Episode 181
Process vs. product knitting is a focus of this episode, as I have completed a year-long project just in time for the upcoming New York Sheep and Wool Festival.
The Back Porch
- Bressay Dress by Gudrun Johnston

The Front Porch
- Clark Socks by Jaclyn Salem
- Vanilla is the New Black by Anneh Fletcher
- resuscitated project: Jasmine Tea by Amanda Bell
- The Tea House Dress by Sew House Seven
Yarn Lover at Large
- Lehigh Valley Fiber Festival at the Wildlands Conservancy
- Rhinebeck: See you at the podcaster meetup at 1pm on Saturday, or at the Foster Sheep Farm Yarn Shop (Barn 31) on Saturday around 2 pm or Sunday following the Leaping Llamas.
- Hope’s Favorite Things in Richmond, PA

Ever-expanding Skill Set
October is all about the braise! In this episode, I talk about the history of braising, and a definition from a 1901 cookbook, plus four tips for braising (and three additional ideas for amping up the flavor). I tried a recipe from The New Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook, and I’d love to talk braising strategy with you on the Ravelry thread.
Off the Shelf
- Litany by Billy Collins