Episode 179
New Pattern: Concordia
My most recent pattern design is knit with Concordea yarn, created by Carole of Foster Sheep Farm and spun at Battenkill Fiber Mill. Concordea is a gorgeous, sport weight yarn in two natural colors. Soft and incredibly springy, it is spun from a 50/50 blend of Carole’s Romney fiber and Falkland fiber.
The Concordia pattern includes instructions for a luxurious cabled neckline and an easy-to-knit ribbed option. There are directions for three sizes, and the split front makes this capelet comfortable and effortless to wear.
Visit Carole and shop her wares . . .
- Foster Sheep Farm Yarn Shop
- Adirondack Wool & Arts Festival – September 23&24
- New York Sheep & Wool Festival – October 21&22
- New England Fiber Festival – November 4&5
Ever-expanding Skill Set
- Join the conversation and take your lunch from sad to savory!
- What the Heck to Pack for Lunch — thanks, Kathy
- Week 3: curried chicken salad

On the Needles
And Sew Forth
- The #embroidermore stitch along will start on October 1st

With a power outage and an extended period of no internet, thanks to Irma, it’s been a challenge to keep up with podcasts! That said, I’m enjoying some peace and quiet while our youngest grandson naps, and I was able to listen to your entire episode as I knit a sleeve cuff!😊
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Concordia and can’t wait for the pattern release. I’d love to purchase some cafe and au lait so that mine will look like yours! Can’t wait!
I had to laugh when you spoke of your lentil soup adventure! My mother-in-law made the best lentil soup and she always topped it off with very thinly sliced hotdogs and a bit of sherry. YUMMM! Thanks for the memories.
Your needle minders are adorable. Don’t know how you do all that you do! I would like to embroider the hem edges of some pillowcases. I would first purchase some very soft cotton and construct the cases, and then do the embroidery.
Thanks for another great episode.