Episode 165
This episode includes the following segments: Yarn Lover at Large, Off the Shelf, Ever-expanding Skill Set, and Sew Forth.
Yarn Lover at Large

Off the Shelf
Are you memorizing a poem in celebration of National Poetry Month? Here are some more tips.
- Print out a large version of the poem and use it as a worksheet.
- Divide the poem into chunks or “poetic sentences.” Look for end marks like periods, question marks, or exclamation points.
- If there is no end punctuation, add your own where it makes sense.
- Underline or circle key words: words that convey an image or words with long vowel sounds can help.
- Memorize poetic sentences around the key words.
Ever-expanding Skill Set
It turns out that radicchio has been in the spotlight this month.
- Bittersweet Radicchio Is at its Peak Right Now — NYTimes article
- Bittersweet episode on Spilled Milk podcast
- Here’s the inspiration recipe for the meal I made this week.
Chicken Under a Roasted Radicchio Salad
serves 2
Preheat broiler.
Toss one head of coarsely-chopped radicchio and a handful of coarsely-chopped squishy dates in a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil. Arrange the radicchio on a sheet pan lined with foil and broil until it has become crispy, but not burned. Hide the dates so that they do not burn. Remove from oven; set aside.
Reduce oven temperature to 350.
Use a mallet to pound two chicken breasts to an even thickness. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Sear the chicken breasts on each side in a cast iron skillet coated with tbsp of olive oil, then continue cooking in preheated oven. Remove pan from oven just before chicken is cooked through and allow to rest in pan until serving.
While chicken is cooking, grate 1-2 tbsp of orange rind and reserve. Cut all rind away from orange and, over a bowl, supreme (cut into segments without pith) with a sharp knife. Set orange segments aside and use the orange juice to make a dressing. Add 2 tsp miso paste, a few drops of tamari or soy sauce, a dash of pepper and dried dill. Whisk together and then whisk in the pan juices from the chicken when you remove it from the oven.
Stir the orange rind into 2/3 c ricotta cheese.
To serve:
Create a base for the chicken by spooning some ricotta onto the plate. Top with the chicken breast, a dollop of ricotta, the roasted radicchio, orange segments, and a handful of chopped pecans. Drizzle with dressing.
And Sew Forth